
Thanksgivings' little roasts (Arrostini del Ringraziamento).

As I told to a blog reader in a comment in Italy Thanksgiving is not a holiday: we just celebrate Christmas.

This doesn't mean we don't know about this very important U.S.A. holiday and today on tv I saw a Thanksgivings' recipe really easy and fast that could be loved abroad.

Turkey is surely the main dish served during this day, turkeys are really big and I heard U.S. ovens are so big just to cook things like turkeys.

Is it true? :D

Our standard ovens are probably too little to cook a whole turkey, so this is my version of a classic recipe!

You need:

turkey's thin slices, 2 per person

some bacon in a single slice, how much depends on how many you are

1-2 red onions peeled and sliced

half a spoon of sweetcorn per person

a little dried prune without kernel per person

extra-virgin olive oil


white dry wine

all pourpose flour
string to tie meat on
Chop bacon in tiny pieces, put them in a pan with onions and stirfry for a while, then add sweetcorn and prunes and cook untill tastes are well amalgamated: this is the roasts' filling.
Spread a turkey slice and put a spoon of filling in it, close the slice with string, do it with every slice.
Pass the little roasts into the flour, then in the same pan where you stirfried the filling, add extra-virgin olive oil, heat it and put roasts in.
Let it cook with a glass of white dry wine and rosemary, add salt if needed.
Cook softly for about 25 minutes, then serve with mashed or creamed potadoes.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!

2 commenti:

  1. Ciao era tanto che non mi fermavo a salutarti, E' sempre abbastanza faticoso tradurre tutto in italiano perchè io non conosco l'inglese ma va bene è comunque un modo per fare esercizio.
    Carini e gustosi questi involtini!!!!!

  2. ciao!
    mi fa piacere che ogni tanto passi!
    se ti trovi meglio passa sul mio blog italiano!

